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Belligerent Poetry
a love song
and this is a love song
to every moment in this life
when i catch your eyes
and think of rain
falling softly as i stand
cut off by swaying traffic
from any avenue of contact
forced instead
to memorize your face
the way your eyes blink
as you stare then grin then wink at me
the glint of rain on your hood
the tassels
that hold it tight
a frame around your face
making the world feel safe,
letting our desire
hold you to this place
for just three moments
longer than the casual gaze
and when the rain stops
both of us already somewhere... else
i'll pause & wonder
if traffic
weather mood & light
you too are sitting
thinking of how impossible it'd be
for either of us to ever speak
should we chance to meet
under less godlike circumstance.

-wil 1.31.03