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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
I made it great, I did!

(03/15/2003; 10:30pm) - I made it great, I did!

Wow, I haven't blogged in a week. It's not that it's been hectic, at least no more hectic than usual.
I guess in my free time I have been hanging with my GF a lot. WHich is the absolute most fun thing I
could possibly do. And I think when I'm having a great time with her I never feel like I should blog
because what is going on in my head is all out on the table and it all has to do with her. And how
many times can I post "This girl fucking RULES!!!"???

Tuesday when it was really nice I took the morning and spent it with Steph and walked ALL AROUND
the city, went to the gym, basically had a great day. Later in the afternoon, despite her protests
and my disctinct desire to do otherwise, I went into work and actually put in a full workday. Left
at 8 something PM, got a ton of stuff done. In fact this whole week at work, with everything blowing
up around us int he Marketing Dept, I have kept my cool and did everything efficiently and well.
Very productive week.

I have been to the gym 6 out of the past 8 days, going at lunchtime for a short run and a short,
concentrated workout. That little break in the middle of my workday makes me more productive
in the afternoon, more alert, more energy. Plus I'm getting fitter and fitter, so it's just great...

I feel very healthy. YAY! Okay enough of this blog shit, I'm off to Queens to go to a house party.

B out, craziness.