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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
The promise ring.

(02/26/2003; 12:20am) - The promise ring.

Finally, last night I was able to give my GF her very belated V-Day present.
She loves silver and hates gold and the only stone she likes is the diamond.
And she loves Tiffany & Co.

Curious, I went to the T & Co website and discovered a beautiful, basic silver
band ring inset with a tiny diamond and I knew she would love it. It took me
forever to get ahold of because I guess every guy around Valentine's Day is
trying to get something from Tiffany for his GF, and they were sold out of
what I wanted.

Long story short, I gave it to her last night. She had no idea what I was
getting for her. She's ecstatic. She loves it. YAY!

Of course it looks a lot like an engagement ring or something, so people may
freak out when they see her wearing it but that's not what it means to me at
all, it's simply a promise that I will hold true to the principles of our
rock-solid relationship. And if it helps her by repelling a few of the asshole
guys that constantly make her life hell by hitting on her, even after she tells
them that she has a boyfriend, then that's an extra added bonus.

Plus it's the first time I've bought a diamond, or any sort of "real" jewelery,
for anyone so I'm pretty excited. This is fthe first girl who's deserved one.

I told her there are two things that last forever, a diamond and my promise to her.

And she may pop up on our fora, so be prepared.