logo version 4.0
#01: ya ne gavaroe pa-russki (I don't speak Russian)
#02: funny who you run into when on boats
#03: I've been here a month and still don't understand my roommate
#04: Elections and other broken things
#05: Moscow: A Go-Go
#06: for my birthday we're just going bowling.
#07: And now I live with...Will Farrell?
#08: Indiayka (Turkey) Day
#09: Save your Receipts
#10: Hiatus
#12: The Mafia, Skinheads and My Teacher
#11: January: Packed with holidays and fortified with snow.
#13: Cupid's a sick bastard.
#14: I go to the other side of the planet and still end up watching Charmed.
#15: Yankee Go Home
#16: Elections Part 2: The Revenge!
#17: Kicking and punching but not enough fighting.
#18: It also came with stuffed animals.