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A Dizzy In The Lizzy

(02/10/2003; 12:05am) - Gonna catch flak for this post. (Fuck you.)

I haven't posted recently at all. I have been busy (outside of work) pursuing interests that do not involve 1s and 0s. Been spending a lot of time with my GF. Things are going so well, it's almost inconceivable.
Sundays I spend with her almost exclusively, partying and enjoying eachother's company. I hope no on enotices that I've had the past 4 Mondays off, two for holidays and two because I was... sick.... uh


I shoulda taken today off, having not slept at all, but that would just be irresponsible.
My friend from CT showed up in NYC last night with no advance warning; I gave him the keys to my joint to sleep and I crashed at my GF's house. I use the term "crash" loosely as there was no sleep going on.

Her dog is growing jealous of me. He eyes me up when I hang out there. I'm surpised he hasn't gnawed my nuts off in my sleep yet.

I have a dull deep headache, my pupils are dilated, my tummy hurts and I'm dehydrated. Not to mention the fact that I am taking the bus to work and around town now instead of the subways because the angry camel jockeys are gonna blow them up... And I couldn't be happier! Go figure....

(02/04/2003; 10:53am) - What a great weekend!!!

Friday after work I went to a friend's farewell dinner in Little Italy and ate Italian (duh) with her and a bunch of her assorted friends. Then I met up with our beloved site-op et al (see his blog for his side of the story) for some party times in my neighborhood. I was feeling chill that night so it ended up being an early night. Plus my GF was working. Bobert got hammered, which is always fun.

Saturday I didn't do shit. Woke up late, lifted some weights, ate some food, picked up laundry... crap like that. Later on in the night I went to the Astoria HQ and played Perfect Dark, which is a pretty fun game. Not enough boobies, fire or blowing shit up though. After that I went to a rave in a huge loft thrown by a group of kids who throw these things monthly. I went to one a couple months ago, it was awesome. I showed up at 3Am this time and dance my frikkin ass off till 8 or 9 AM. These parties are awesome. I met a few kids that I knew from the last party and a few new ones, so all in all Saturday really ruled.

On Sunday morning I met my lady, who had just gotten off work. We hadn't seen each other in a few days so there was some serious catching up to do. We walked her dog all around Manhattan and had Fun Times the whole day. She and I have reached this point in our relationship where it's just really beautiful and comfortable and awesome, every minute we spend together. We spent the whole day in bed, and, without revealing too much in a blog, I just have to say that this girl is ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AMAZING IN BED. Holy fucking shit.
I've had some great sex in my life, but this is some mind-blowing, life-altering shit.
We literally fucked each other stupid. Several times.

It was so great that at about 4AM on Monday morning we decided I had to call in "sick" for work and stay with her. Which I did. And so Monday was great too. This is why I haven't blogged in a while. I've been busy. Heh heh...

Needless to say, stuff is going absolutely insanely great with this girl in my life.
I could ramble on and on about how great she is but that's usually the point where people stop listening/reading, so I'll cut it short. Until I have more news/stories/insanity,

B out

(01/27/2003; 08:00pm) - awww yea

god DAMN my woman is sexy !!!!!

(01/23/2003; 05:09pm) - One of those times when my horoscope is amusingly accurate...

Genxscope (by
The Libran balance is indeed a sight to behold. How you manage to maintain a raging social life while strategically checking things off your to-do list is a mystery to many. To you, it's all in a day's work.

(01/21/2003; 12:44pm) - Manhattan Luxury Real Estate, a trivial pursuit.

Well, Tuesday meant back to work and back to twenty thousand phone calls from brokers, all of whom were various degrees of pissedd that their listings on our website were wrong. It got so that I couldn't fix any of that because I was fielding so many phone calls. I had to start a spreadsheet last week to track everything I had to fix. The bad news is that I worked another 11 hour day again today. The good news is that my boss is going to try to get me overtime for all the extra hours I am working.

See, it's really great when a power broker who's losing her shit is yelling my ear off while my girlfriend, who is just about to go under to get her wisdom teeth out, is calling me on my cell. I can't hang up on the broker because she's already threatening to complain to the Owners about the disarray of our Marketing Dept, and I can't not wish my GF luck before her surgery. As it turned out I very succinctly told the broker I would fix everything and incredibly she got off the motherfucking phone right as my GF called again.

GF came out of surgery fine, by the way. She's doped up on Vicodin and back asleep now. I guess whenever you go under there's a slight chance that you won't wake up. Just to cover herself, I suppose, my GF left me a long email last ngiht saying that if she didn't make it thru the surgery, that she loved me and to continue living my life without her. To not curl up and die and just remember the great times and the love we shared. And that she wouldn't see me in heaven because there isn't one, and if there was she wouldn't go there.
Sorta makes whatever that broker is yelling about seem trivial.

(01/20/2003; 06:36pm) - Thanks MLK!

Let me first say that I fully endorse Dr Martin Luther King Jrs idealogy about peace and changing the world
for the better. I think if we followed his teaching instead of friggin assasinating him, the world would be
much safer, wholesome and fun for all the boys and girls.

But I appreciate him for three other reasons:

1- Having today off allows me to party on Sunday night (as I usually do, but this time I got to wake up
whenever on Monday!)
2- Having Monday off makes the weekend feel super-extra long (too bad I worked a little on Saturday)
3- This work week will seem shorter too, which is much more relaxing. By the time I realize it, it'll be the
weekend again!

So thank MLK for making me happy.
Hot cocoa and Tom Wolfe's "The Kandy-Kolored, tangerine-stripe Streamline Baby" are keeping me company
today. It's nice to relax with a good book for a change, even if it is as intellectually useless as Tom Wolfe's
60s social commentary.... Last night was fun at the club, a bit of a hassle at first getting in but that was all
resolved and there was some pretty damn good music, esp. in the DnB room. Hadn't danced in a while...

B out, back to my easy chair

(01/19/2003; 01:56am) -

(01/17/2003; 09:12pm) - So, work seems to be picking up a bit

Today I worked for exactly 12 hours.
We have a new "system" here at work, and transferring the astronomical amount of data and associates files from the "old" to "new" systems was only mostly successful. Our IT tech guy is still trying to pinpoint why 100% of the data and files were not transferred correctly. This leave us here in the marketing dept in the unique position of having to communicate to the brokers why their listings on our website aren't there, or are missing pictures or floorplans.
The brokers know they send stuff to us and then it goes on the web; they do not understand that we simply scan or download the pictures, make them look pretty and upload them to a server, which uploads those files to the website peridoically. Hence they think it's our fault that the living room shot from their 3.5 million dollar penthouse apartment on CPW is missing from the website. They also can't tell the vents in the sides of a computer from a floppy drive. They don't know the difference between a "computer tower" and a "monitor", and sometimes they try to convince us that their keyboards do not have Escape keys. They are not smart people. And there are 300 of them.

All they know is that they have "very irritated sellers" and that they "can't understand" why they have to wait "so long" to see their information up on the "interweb".
The few that haven't called us screaming probably haven't discovered the missing links on the website or the missing info in the system yet. I would venture to say that there's at least a little something or other wrong with at least one listing for every broker. I have a very detailed and substantial spreadsheet telling me what needs to be done, one I compiled personally from dozens of aggro phone calls and emails.

Oh yeah. Here's what I have to do:
1-Listen to broker's complaint.
2-Find out what's REALLY wrong, if anything.
3-Grab files from shared folders on my coworker's computer, or else locate and scan pix from scratch.
4-Rename them and make sure they look pretty.
5-Tranfer them via FTP to a remote server.
6-Go into our system (called RealPlus).
7-Set listing up to locate and upload files from said server.
8-Maintain a level head and remember where I am in this surprisingly long process as I receive phone call after phone call from angry brokers, during which I take down the appropriate information in my spreadsheet.

Anything I can say beyond this will
A) not make sense
B) not be interesting
c) aggravate me

so I will end this rant prematurely and head on home in the hopes that I don't feel compelled to come in tomorrow, which is Saturday, to finish this crap.

B, so very out

(01/16/2003; 05:05pm) - Call me old-fashioned

Today some coworkers within earshot of my cubicle were talking about not letting their girlfriends go out alone with other guys. I take it that a lot of guys feel this way, and that women too would not trust their boyfriends with other women.

This may seem like an odd thing for a 24-year-old straight guy to say, but that's really not the way this whole thing should be. I realize that I'm in the unique position of having a partner I can really trust. I have been fucked over before by girls but my present GF and I have talk VERY extensively about trust issues in post-millennium relationships. I think it's terrible that people don't trust their partners enough to let them out of sight with a member of the opposite sex, for fear that their partners will cheat on them.

Trust is one of the most basic and most important building blocks of any relationship, intimate or platonic. If you can't trust her, why are you with her? One of my coworkers said "Yo, if I found out she went out with a bunch of guys partying at night I'd fucking smack her." or something to that effect. "You gotta check that bitch" is another thing I heard. Damn, I feel like an old grandpa but what the hell is the point of dating someone if you're constantly worried that they're gonna cheat on you?

I go out with girls all the time. I just go out. I don't hit on them. I don't make half-assed advances, I don't get drunk and start pawing at them. That's not right and it's disrespectful to my lady. And it's just not fun. That's for when I'm single. Actually, I hate that shit when I'm single too...

A few times in the past few weeks my GF has gone out with guys, once it was her ex and his new GF, once it was with a bunch of crazy party boys she knew from college. And that's fine. Why should I tell her who she can hang out with? And who cares? As long as she has fun. We've talked alot about being monogamous and we're both all for it. She says her GFs don't understand her either. She's said that if I ever cheated on her, that would be it, relationship over, and she's never look back. I know she understands that it works both ways. It has to. She cheats on me, I'm out the door. And neither of us are good at lying so there's no chance of some sort of clandestine betrayal.

When guys hit on her it just annoys her and she ignores them. She'll even tell me about it and we'll have a good laugh. I guess not everybody can be as lucky as us, nor as forthcoming.

But damn, it really annoyed me when I piped up and told my coworker that me and my GF didn't have to worry about shit like that because we trust each other. He was certain that my girl was playing me because she goes out with other guys on occasion. Isn't that sad? (And wouldn't it be funny if I'm sticking my foot in my mouth right now?! No.)

But no, you have to love recklessly and without forethought. To live your life in any other way, to bottle your love up inside for fear of getting hurt, would cut you off from experiencing your life to the fullest. And so I love this girl, and I put my trust in her, and I feel sad for anyone else who feels they have to live their lives any differently.

What a gay rant.

B out

(01/14/2003; 01:29pm) - The Bean Rocket saves the day!!!!

Saturday night I went to Don Hill's with a bunch of friends. Don Hill's is a venue/bar. I came for the drinks and company and not the music, which is good considering how terrible the band was.
I haven't been drinking much lately because I always feel pretty terrible the day after, and it's hardly healthy or cheap to get sloshed. But Saturday night the conditions were right and I began
drinking screwdrivers. I had a beer beforew we left, and upon arrival at DH's I discovered to didn't have nearly enough cash to seriously get my drink on so I opened up a tab. Boy, that's really
NEVER a good idea. I looked at my bill the next day and I drank 7 screwdrivers and also bought a round of Jaegermeister.

My roommate said that I was doing fine until all of a sudden I was weaving around like Friar Tuck and slurring my words. My general notion is that the drink hit me like a freight train at a certain
point. The only clear memory I have after that is deciding it's time to leave, RIGHT NOW, and going downstairs to the coat check where I discovered that I no longer had my ticket. I fumbled through my
wallet for what must have been 10 minutes until the coat check dude actually told me to go away and come back at closing time. Yeah, right. That coat is the most expensive piece of clothing I own.

So I went back upstairs to where I was standing all night and there was my ticket on the floor. Sweet.

Then... darkness.

I know I took a cab home, how I hailed it and how much money I paid for the ride is beyond me. I vaguely remember thinking that the cab was driving somewhere weird, so I could have been fucked over. I
also have vague memories of puking out the window, although I'm not sure. That would certainly explain the cabbie trying to fuck me over.

Anyway, at about 10 AM on Sunday I awoke with a start, realized how drunk I was the night before, and that there must be something wrong. I checked thru my wallet and all of my credit cards were there, even after
dimantling my wallet while drunk in a bar.


Spectacles, testicles, wallet & watch. Check and double check...

Oh fuck.

Cell phone.


Must have dropped out of my pocket in the cab; I had it on me all night and sent my GF several texts about how drunk I was.

Poop, it had a lot of numbers in it. Worst part is that I pay $5 a month for insurance on the phone, so I thought I was covered. But there's $50 deductible so I would have to pay at least $50 anyway. On top of
that, I would have to do this to get a new phone: 1) Go to the police station and file a report (can't do it over the phone) 2) Wait at least one day for the police to file the case and give it a case number.
3) Send case number, phone info and a police officer's badge number to the insurance company 4) Wait a few more days for them to send me a new crappy StarTac.

Okay, so to do this it's $50, many days without a cell, and I have to go to the police station and talk to cops... umm... NO THANKS!

Sunday I spent with my GF after she came back from going out to a club in the morning.
We didn't motivate early enough to go cell shopping that day but we ended up hanging out all night, literally, partying and just talking. It was great. Goddamn I love that girl.

Needless to say, after one drunken night of 5 hrs of sleep and the next with none, and both days not really feeling well enough to eat much food, Monday was difficult. I had a lot to do at work. I
took about 50 pictures with a dig camera- headshots here in the office and building shots at our westside office. I had to communicate. I had to make phone calls and run around all day. By 2PM on the
westside I was fading fast, so I went to Pizzaria Unos and got a very uncharacteristically unhealthy individual pizza with chicken and peppers and onions on it. Oh my god it was so damn good. I had
tried to eat a hamburger at a diner at about 4AM monday morning but, uh... that didn't go so well.

So by 4PM Monday I had my second wind. I didn't even have to leave work early.
After work I went shopping for a new cell and had basically resigned myself to the fact that I would have to spend at least $150 to get a new phone, for that's the price of a crappy phone if you pay
full price.

I did a lot of comprison shopping because my neighborhood is full of wireless stores. On my way home to change after hitting about 4 stores, I discovered a store on 1st Ave called Bean Rocket
Wireless. This place RULED! They even had my beloved StarTac, which is out of production.

They hooked my shit up, sold me the StarCrack and a headset and even called Verizon for me and set things straight, and knocked off $10 cuz I paid in cash. Super frikkin sweet. Thanks BEAN ROCKET!!!!!

I now had a phone.
I went home, made pork chops and passed the fuck out for 12 hours.

Today was much better than yesterday. I can eat, I am plugged in, and I slept a lot. It's the simple pleasures in life.

B out