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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
There's no reason for me to be here...

(12/16/2002; 11:54am) - There's no reason for me to be here...

I mean, I have to be here so that I don't use up one of my sick or personal days.
But I'm not doing anything. At all. Really. I have no work to do. I've been surfing the net all day. I'd actually LIKE to have something to do, the day passes faster that way.

I'd rather be in bed. Preferably with my woman.

We went out last night to Limelight, Vitor Caulderone was spinning some decent house. Not my favorite shit to dance to but it's a fun place to be and a great place to party with my GF. Stayed out till 3 or so, then back to her place to watch silly TV. We watched MSNBC Investigates: Underground Dog Fighting!!! It was funny, they made pitbulls out to be basically insane rabid killers, and their owners to be heartless violent felons, neither of which is true. As we watched this her pitbull was curled up on the bed with us, laying on his back with his paws in the air as she scratched his tummy. He was smiling and after a couple minutes, he started to snore and pretty much looked very cute and contented.

I didn't get to sleep till 5 something so today is yet another cracked-out, sleepy day at the office with nothing to do.

On the up side, a most amazingly sweet and wonderful email from my GF was waiting for me in my inbox today, an earnest declaration of love whch made me fly.

I found some sidewalk chalk yesterday and left her some notes on her doorstep for her to find when she came home yesterday. Things with her are peachy. So no matter how lame work is, I really can't complain.

B out