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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
Wunter Winderland

(12/06/2002; 11:15am) - Wunter Winderland

Last night was the company X-Mas party. It was in a very swank bar/laounge on 58th called Au Bar. Hot chix walking around in white coats serving hors d'oeuvres (wow, I can't believe I remembered how to spell that), champagne and wine, surly Xena-look-alike bartenders, a dinner which I drank through. I started with 3 glasses of champagne, then 2 or 3 Bailey's on the rocks (that was the point where Benny made a wrong turn), then 3 or 4 Jack-and-cokes. Uh... yeah.

I thought to myself at the time "Boy, every time I mix alcohol like this, I'm sorry the next day."

But my hangover isn't all that bad. I nursed myself sober with a bacon egg & cheese wrap, a coffee and a liter and a half of water so far.

After I left Au Bar (with my boss and my bosses' boss) I went to Webster Hall to meet my GF, and, as it turns out, her ex (whose name is also Ben). We danced, I drank water. My GF thought it was cute that I was all drunk. Which is good. It's way better than being pissed at me!

Took a cab back uptown with my GF and I passed out. She stayed up all night doing HW.

Other things from yesterday: bought a loaf of bread and made myself and a coworker fluffernutters for lunch. Yes, I keep Skippy creamy peanut butter and marshmallow fluff on my desk. Went shopping after work at Express, which now sells men's clothes on the upper level. Damn that shit is mad cool. Think of a cross btwn Structure (which Express took over) and Diesel. Then cut Diesel's prices by 60% and you have ExpressMen. Bought a sweater and jeans, spent pretty much what I earned yesterday, if you wanna break it down that way. Dope.

Okay, I haven't done crap at work yet today, my boss isn't even here, He always takes the day off after the X-Mas party. Pussy.

Thank god it's friday, I can't wait to fucking CHILL this weekend! Sounds like a massive video game binge tonight at the HQ.

B out, queasy and sleazy