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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
Subway Poetry. We R the lifeblood of this city, keepng her alive by travlng cnstantly thru her veins

( 08/ 30/ 2; 02; 10) - Subway Poetry. We R the lifeblood of this city, keepng her alive by travlng cnstantly thru her veins

I have a muse who acts as my voice of reason from afar. She's wonderful; she seems to understand me, so I listen to her. My muse says to be careful dragging my old & heavy baggage into any new relationships. She's right, it would be doing Steph an injustice to try to pull any of my past into this relationship. What does Steph have to do with Katie? Nothing- they grew up in the same city but on different planets.

I'm certainly going to try to take this one as it comes; Steph is great, I should be thankful that we found eachother.
She's all thistles and burdocks on the outside, all Tempurpedic pillows and marshmallow fluff on the inside.
Last night I told her she was a sweetie and her response was "Shh! Don't tell anyone. I'm only sweet with you."
I don't know why, but I find that endearing.

Tonight my brother and I drive to CT to paint Dad's house. With the weather threatening to turn ugly, the job may not get finished, or even started. But it will be nice to be back home for the long weekend, awash in beer, sleeping late...
I was going to roshambo my brother for driving duties (NYC to CT, although short, can be tedious). But Wednesday he told me that I'm driving tonight, and that he would like to be picked up at the sake bar at 8PM. What a fucker.

Life could be worse- it's hard to step back and realize when things are going well and appreciate that all by itself. But I'm trying.

"The apparition of faces in the crowd
Petals on a wet, black bough."